Saturday, September 19, 2009

School Daze

I am adding some flair to our school week. Theme days always seem to help me. Monday will still be Mundane Monday where we play catch up on the little things in life and I do house work. Traveling Tuesday will take us to parts of the city to complete our school day. This past week we took all of our work and went to the park. We were there from 10-3. It was a blast. Loved reading our Bible under and old oak tree. Wordless Wednesday means all fun. The kids loved the title, but little do they know, we spent the whole day reading Exodus 1-5 and several books on Ancient Egypt. We mummified a baby doll and made Canopic jars. They had so much fun and never knew they were working. Terrific Thursday has lots of review and rewards. Math facts earn you a skittle or m&m, grammar and spelling tests earn computer/wii time. Daniel is working on a large reward. If he reads 10 books he gets a mini-sand box. Friday is Tutorial!! Then we do it all over again!


  1. You are such a creative homeschoolin' mom. You often inspire me. =)

  2. Now that I've brought you back to scrapbooking you need to come back to blogging!
